Many people want to lose the extra kilos for various reasons, be it health, more confident, career prospect or just to feel good about themselves.  

However, for some people, it is not an easy task to achieve their ideal weight due to the reason they simply follow the typical method exercise more and follow the diet plan that did not give them SUSTAINABLE RESULT.  

Below is one of our participants experience when she tried to lose some kg on her own before attending our progam. Sounds familiar??

“When it comes to slimming, different people have different experience.

For me, it was a long and tedious process. I have tried almost all ways to slim down.
And the first thought that comes to me is WATCHING DIET & that’s an rghhhhhhhhhhhh! Next, Exercise! I remembered doing 100 times of sit-ups and going for aerobics classes.*Tell me about discipline* 😛 What happens when I start to relax? My kilos starts to turn bullish! And the cycle continues……sigh..”

This is common experience for many too.  The yo-yo weight syndrome.

Many a times, the short term success in losing weight is not sustainable because they were doing something “extra ordinary” out of their daily routine. 

That is the reason why many have given up in their life long battle with the weight problem.

Beacon LOHAS suggests all the members lose weight naturally with the right perspectives.

What is The Ultimate Slimming Program?

  • It’s a three Saturday training program to empower you to lose weight in a natural way.
  • You will not have to rely on slimming pills, exhausting exercise, stringent diet or slimming equipment or acupuncture treatment to lose that extra kilos.  Slimming should be simple and easy for you to acheive SUSTAINABLE RESULT!
  • It’s a fun, enrichment and LOHAS way of achieving ideal weight through mind, body and spirit wellness.
  • Our experienced coach, Peng Tatt, will go through a FUN self-discovery journey together with you and help you understand your strength and weakness of maintaining your ideal weight. 

  • You will learn the powerful and useful techniques to manage your urge of over eating the unnecessary.
  • Learn simple and easy to follow Four Golden Principles that allow you to eat and slim simultaneously.

  • You are empowered so that you have the CHOICE to decide your weight.
  • You will learn simple and useful Meridian Qi-Flexercise & Meridian Shower Massage. You will enjoy an easy, relaxing, soothing and healthier shower than usual. These make slimming and detoxification become default routine without much effort.
  • You will learn basic, fun, practical and valuable know-how on Meridian Massage, natural way to enhance your beauty and health. Our natural beauty comes from the strength of our internal organ.
  • You no longer have to spend thousands and thousands of dollar at the costly slimming centre again because you are empowered!
  • Life long support to ensure you achieve what you can be.

Life Testimonial

“This is AMAZING to me because I normally gain weight during the festive season. I lost 1.5 kg and almost 2cm of waist line during the Chinese New Year period. I was able to enjoy my favorite food and slim down simultaneously!! Thanks to the golden rule I learnt from the Ultimate Weigth Loss Program” – Mr. Lim, Success Tree. 2 Feb 09

“I always avoid weight lost program because I don’t like restricting diet or very routine workout. However, this method showed me that is an easier way and it works!! I was 64.5kg when I started the program and I lost 5kg automatically.” – Li Huan. 18 Apr 09 

(Li Huan further reduced her weight automatically for another 2kg since then) 

“I lost 2cm on my thigh area, it’s so simple and easy just to follow the Four Golden Principles and the result comes naturally” – Miss Lee, Education trainer. 10 Mar 09

“It’s amazing that I lost 1 inch within a week and I didn’t control my diet or take slimming supplement.”, Jewel, Nurse. 28 Aug 09.

“I tried just one of the technique which you mention during the Kaizen activity. I lost 3 kg within 2 weeks while I was looking for supplier. The interesting thing is I didn’t really spend extra ordinary effort to achieve this”, Vincent. June 2010

Jan 09: 72.2kg, BMI: 25.3

Apr 09: 65kg, BMI: 22.7

”My old belief was slimming and weight lost means control my food, eat more vegetable and exercise 3 times a week. However, I tried those methods many times and it showed very little results and NOT SUSTAINABLE. That’s why I put on 1 or 2 kg every year I get older. My excuses were “I was busy, it’s ok to just have 1 or 2kg extra”.
Clearly my old beliefs didn’t serve me. The weight accumulated over the years start to hurt my knee join and ankle last year.

I realised I have to take action fast. Actually, my weight also affected my outlook and career.

Finally, I started this program on Jan 09. The Ultimate Slimming Program works for me because it natural, safer, no dieting or regimental exercise and the resulst is PERMANENT and AUTOMATIC”, Peng Tatt, 38, business owner.

* He further reduced his weight to 62kg following the autopilot way. – Aug 09.

“I like the clear instructions, very helpful handout,active participations. The light hearted and practical aspect is execllant. Your workshop is very informative and enjoyable. Good Value!”, Sheila, Massage Therapist, United Kingdom.

Yen Fang attended USP-i on 3 May 09 

Started Autopilot Slimming Success Program – 12 May

One month later. Is she one size smaller? Her friends and trainer were amazed by the result too.  She is very happy and confident now.

” In the past, I spent thousands of dollars on slimming supplement and gym packages with stringent diet. However, the resulst were NOT SUSTAINABLE. I was fustratated and it affected my confidence. After enroling into the Ultimate Slimming Program & coaching, I lost 1.7kg in 2 weeks without any dieting This program is fantastic because I am a food lover. I continue to lose weight automatically even though I was very busy with my work. The techniques works like magic”, Miss Koh, Graphic Designer & Business Owner. 28 May 09

More Story from her… (to be continued on 15th July 2009)

25 Apr: Before attending USP

17 May: 2 weeks after USP, Lost 1.2 Kg

”My waist line was increasing lately until I attend the Ultimate Slimming Program. The program has helped me to see things in different perspective. I found my real Motivation to stay slim. I do not crave for food. Without much effort, my face and tummy are slimmer now. This is really Autopilot Slimming.

This workshop not only help people to lose weight but stay slim. I no longer worry about ever increasing waist line!!”

Miss See, General Insurance Broker. 29 May 09


More Success Stories…

“I just practised one technique following the Kaizen Concept taught by you for two weeks. I am very happy that I lost 3kg in two weeks.” Vincent, June 2010

“I lost 1kg in one month following your autopilot slimming method. I don’t control my diet, I don’t exercise. I just practised all the things you taught in the workshop and slimming becomes almost automatic”, Mdm Ow, July 2010 

“My weight further reduce another 1 kg automatically following the simple method. This is much better compared to jogging or other exercise without much result”, Mdm Ow, Nov 2010

“My friend recommended me to come to this workshop because she start to see visible results less than two weeks“, Aileen, Language Teacher Oct 2010

“I am glad that I am able to manage my emotion eating now. I try to practise the four princle and I now enjoy my food and I feel satisfy after my meal.” Vanita, Nurse, Feb 2011

Just within a week after I practised the simple techniques, I am glad that my weight stop going up. I find the method is so easy to practise.” Chin Swee, Nurse, Feb 2011

“I am amazed by the simple tapping method. Just two weeks practising, my body feel better. I am glad that I can wear the smaller size clothes now. I can enjoy the good food during the Chinese New Year. Most of all, I don’t have to rely on my medication to manage my digestion issue. That is why I want my daughter to attend the 2 days workshop as well”, Lay Har, Manager Feb 2011.

“The FOUR GOLDEN PRINCIPLES is very useful.  We feel satisfied every meal. My friend and I no longer crave for food, especially the french fries”  Alice Lim, 9 Dec 2012 

“After a month of practicing what I’ve learnt, I am slimmer now.  I can wear the cheong-sum (Chinese dress) I bought 3 years ago“, Celina Low, 20 Jan 2012

“I lost 3.5kg for the past 3 weeks. Most of all, I get to enjoy the food I like without feeling guilty and I feel satisfied every meals”, Josephine, 18  May 2013


For busy people who has limited time to learn, Ultimate Slimming Program Intensive  workshop is your choice. You will learn the essence of the above Autopilot Slimming in 3 sessions, so that you have freedom to choose what you like to eat.

This is not a seminar nor a talk. It’s a workshop & coaching session. 

We could teach everything in one day, but we find that our participants get the most insights and value in the weekly practice and coaching session.

They have more time to practise and clear their doubts. Thus, they will appreciate the knowledge learnt. 

At the end of the workshop, participants will be empowered, enlightened and have their very own customized Autopilot Slimming Success Program that they can follow easily.

While many people have wasted thousands of dollars and time on useless and non-sustainable weight lost program and supplement, imagine how much you can save on money? $2000 or more?? 

We have a participant paid $10000 for a slimming package by a very famous company but did not achieve SUSTAINABLE RESULT. 

How much is your freedom worth to have the food you enjoy and slimming at the same time? Priceless??

How much is worth to overcome that frustracting weight problem and self-image issue and be healthy and confidence for the rest of your life? Priceless??

This Program could be easily worth a few THOUSANDS of dollar if you get it from very commercialized Slimming Center or Fitness Centre. However, we want to make it available to many people so that they are EMPOWERED and STAY SLIM and CONFIDENT for the rest of their life.

You have the opportunity to grab this ONCE IN THE LIFE TIME offer. It’s not $10000, not even $5000, not even $1000, not even $500. 

The usual price for the workshop is $390 per pax.

For early bird registration, it is only $297 per pax.

However, this is available for LIMITED SEATS ONLY, we can only cater for small class size for effective learning.


How to ENJOY food and STAY SLIM

Usual Price: $390

Date: Currently there is no date for this training

Venue:   Success Trees Training Room 

                   LTC Building B
                   12 Arumugam Road #02-11
                   Singapore 409958
                   (Next To Macpherson Mrt Exit B) 

To secure a seat to achieve your IDEAL WEIGHT NATURALLY, PERMANENTLY and HEALTHILY.



For enquiry, please CALL/Whatsapp 98620063/ 90662770 or email  

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  Aug 09

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