1) Why are you charging a fee for a health talk?
Firstly, it’s not a health talk or health seminar that you go back and forget most of the things you learnt.

It’s is a workshop & coaching session using special process and technique to help you tap into conscious/sub-concious mind power so that you learn fast and remember better.

The participants will eventually get their very own customized Autopilot Slimming Success Program that suits their lifestyle.

Secondly, both trainers have combined more than 11 years of experience and spent more than ten of thousands in personal growth and wellness area. The participants only pay a small fee to get the essence and save lots of time.

2) Why this program works?
Out method works on Mind, Body and Soul total wellness. Most of the commercially available method are meidocre-ly designed and focus on Body only.

Some methods are asking the participants to use determination to stick on healthy food/diet or exercise. Well, it may work for a while. But when the food craving comes back, it will hit back with a stronger force and causes weight rebound problem.

That’s why our approach is unique because we are not restricting you what to eat. We also empower you a special technique to manage that craving. Tested and Proven.

3) It’s long session, will it be tiring?
The workshop was designed to help participants absorb faster, remember more and it involves Mind, Body and Spirit wellness. That is the reason it takes a few sessions to complete.  Participants really get the value out of every time and money they invested.  The weekly practical allows participants to practice and understand the technique better. Beacon LOHAS workshop is unique because it is highly interactive, practical and experiential. Our past participants feedback commonly mentioned that the workshops is FUN, PRACTICAL and Hands-on.

4) Why are you charging such a low fee?
We are charging such a low fee for the time being to create awareness. However, we would need to restore to original price $180 for us to be able to continue to engage the experts. That’s why we encourage interested friends to TAKE ACTION NOW.

5) Can I study slimming and do it my own?
Yes, you can. However, the testing question is how long are you aware of your over weight situation (BMI > 23) and how long have you tried (or not trying) to overcome the situation?

If it’s more than three months, there are something more you need to understand about yourself, self-image or sub-conscious mind. That is the value add of our workshop.

6) Do you accept walk in registration?
We are sorry that we are not able to accept walk in because it’s a highly experiential workshop. We need to prepare the course material and logistics in advance. We can only cater for small class to facilitate the best learning result for our participants.

From our experience, if a participant is slow in making decisions, this is the workshop just right for them to fully discover ther real motivating and de-motivating factors.

CALL 98620063 or 90662770 NOW to kick start your Autopilot Slimming Journey and enjoy FREEDOM to eat, FREEDOM of Mind and be more confidence for the rest of your life.