6 Oct 2011

We had just finished our Ultimate Slimming Intensive workshop on 5 Oct 2011.
It was a small class with lots of learning for the everybody.

During one of the tea break (yes, we still eat normally when our topic is on slimming), one of the participants curiously asked the other participants an important question.

She said to her classmate, “I don’t really understand and I am very curious. You seems to be very health conscious, you prepared your own healthy lunch, you practise Tai-Ji regularly, you seems to be a discipline person, how come you size it still….”, at this moment, she make a gesture of “round shape”.

I was glad that she asked the very important question to her classmate, even though it is during the tea break. This is exactly what Ultimate Slimming Intensive workshop all about.

Many a times, we see those “health conscious” people around us, they seems to do the “right” things but their shape or weight seems to show otherwise.

In Ultimate Slimming Intensive workshop, participants are taught the very important and profound FOUR GOLDEN PRINCIPLES. This FOUR GOLDEN PRINCIPLES allows the participants to enjoy the food and stay slim at the same time.  The truth is – it is not what we eat that matters, but how we eat it! We really need to enjoy food rather the using our mind to control what we eat or how much we should eat.

In fact, the more we practise, the more freedom we have for our choices of food.

If participants allow themselves to unlearn and relearn, these principles are fairly easy to practise, . For example, one of the things we teach is eat when you are hungry. Simple and easy isn’t it?

I am glad that it was a small group session so that the information hungry (keen learner) get to ask THE question that was bothering her.

In fact, there were many enlightening moment for all participants. They discovered THE FUNDAMENTAL things that stopping them to achieve their SLIMMING GOAL. They get to discover their “little voice” that is not supporting their slimming journey.

As I mention in every slimming workshop, it is not only the LOHAS meridian massage techniques that I am going to share, but participants get to learn much more on the important things and self-discovery that give them CLARITY to their slimming goal. They discover the truth about successful slimming!

May all of them have more clarity as they practise their customised slimming program. CLARITY leads to POWER, POWER is the ability to ACT.

Of course the true learning (truth) comes when they really put their new knowledge into practice.  I wish them having a FUN DISCOVERY and HEALTHY slimming journey.

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